03 January 2025
Spare parts Letrika P/N: 11.131.285 AZE2160 12V 1,2kW / MAHLE P/N: MS 247
Pos.Letrika P/NMAHLE P/NDescription
116.283.667MSX 1343Drive end bracket
215.120.182MSX 669Bearing
416.908.624MSX 455Switch
616.907.271MSX 284Pinion with clutch
716.908.347MSX 36Lever
816.907.270MSX 628Reduction gear
916.361.450MSX 325Armature
1016.908.351MSX 216Bearing
1116.908.962MSX 135Fixing set
1216.282.051MSX 409Stator
1316.908.508MSX 308Brush holder
1416.908.509MSX 309Set of brushes
1516.908.519MSX 313Rear-end bracket
16.283.667 MSX 1343 Drive end bracket15.120.182 MSX 669 Bearing16.908.624 MSX 455 Switch16.907.271 MSX 284 Pinion with clutch16.908.347 MSX 36 Lever16.907.270 MSX 628 Reduction gear16.361.450 MSX 325 Armature16.908.351 MSX 216 Bearing16.908.351 MSX 216 Bearing16.908.962 MSX 135 Fixing set16.282.051 MSX 409 Stator16.908.508 MSX 308 Brush holder16.908.509 MSX 309 Set of brushes16.908.509 MSX 309 Set of brushes16.908.519 MSX 313 Rear-end bracket16.908.519 MSX 313 Rear-end bracket